Molded Fiber Packaging Facility Capacity Increase
Clark Nexsen upgraded the production utility systems at a confidential client’s molded fiber packaging facility. The existing systems included steam/condensate, vacuum, low-pressure air, and chest pumps with the capacity to run 70% of the production lines in sequence. Our team determined the appropriate capacities required to run all production lines in sequence. As the facility is over 100 years old, there were no records documenting the current equipment or process layout. As a result, Clark Nexsen was first responsible for performing a 3D LiDAR scan that allowed for a one day survey with no interruption to production. Upon completing the scan, our team successfully designed all new equipment and piping without any conflicting routes in the system.
Along with construction documents for new work, our design team also provided the client with general arrangement drawings of existing plant conditions. The project scope further included a range of system upgrades for a new vacuum, condensate, machine chest pump, and low-pressure air systems. Clark Nexsen provided construction documents and arrangement drawings for the process and utility piping layouts as required for the addition of a new vacuum pump and a room to house it. Steam recovery system upgrades were necessary to handle excess condensate generated by running at 100% capacity, and machine chest pumps were needed to provide pulp delivery to all production lines.
COMPLETION 2021 / COST $1,600,000